We value the users of our website (the "Website"). Your privacy and trust are very important to us. We recognize that you may be concerned about our collection, use, and disclosure of the personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") that we collect when you use the Website and the services offered on the Website.  

This Privacy Policy describes the information that we collect from you, how we collect this information, and what we do with it after we collect it. By using the Website you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

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What Types of Information Does CIMC Group Collect?

Personal Information: We collect Personal Information that you provide to us, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, email address, credit card number, and financial information. Non-Personal Information. We also collect non-personal information from you, such as your browser type, the URL of the previous website you visited, your ISP, operating system, and your Internet protocol (IP) Address Non-Personal Information cannot be easily used to personally identify you.

How and When Does CIMC Group Collect This Information?

Providing Information to Us: We collect Personal Information from you when you provide it to us. For example, if you purchase a product, we may collect your name, mailing address, telephone number, credit card number, and email address. If you create an account, we may collect your name, mailing address, email address, and other information that we request during the registration process, and any information that you provide to us. If you sign up to receive a newsletter, we will collect your email address. Communications With Us.If you communicate with us regarding the Website or the System, we will collect any information that you provide to us in any such communication. Analytic and Reporting Technologies. Like the operators of most websites, we use analytic and reporting technologies to record Non-Personal Information such as Internet domain and host names, Internet protocol (IP) addresses, browser software, operating system types, click stream patterns, and the dates and times that the Website and the System are accessed. We also contract with several online partners to help manage, monitor and optimise our Website and the System and to help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising, communications and how visitors use the Website. To do this, we may use cookies.

How Does CIMC Group Use My Information?

Personal Information: We use Personal Information primarily for our own internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, evaluating, and improving the Website, fulfilling requests for information, producing and shipping the products that you order, and providing customer support. For example, if you create an Account, we will use the information that you provide us to communicate with you. Similarly, if you sign up to receive a newsletter, we will use the email address you provide to send you the newsletters. Non-Personal Information. We use Non-Personal Information to track the use of the Website and the System and for other internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, evaluating, and improving the Website.

What About Cookies?

A cookie is a small file placed on the hard drive of your computer. Most websites use cookies. We use cookies to track your use of the Website and the System, provide you with a more personalized user experience, and to allow you to login and begin use of the Website automatically when you visit the Website.

Does CIMC Group Protect My Personal Information?

Personal Information: Whenever we obtain your Personal Information, we use commercially reasonable efforts to protect it from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, we are not insurers of the security of your Personal Information. Accordingly, we assume no liability for any disclosure of data due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third party access or other acts of third parties, or acts or omissions beyond our reasonable control.


The security of your Personal Information is important to us. When you enter sensitive information such as a credit card number on our registration or order forms, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL). We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.